scumm help

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scumm help

Post by zed »

i am looking to setup scumm to the point where i can move it around to different folders and have it still open my games. as of now, when you move the location it wont open the games b/c the game location has changed. is there a way to keep the scummvm.exe with the game files and just be able to open the scummvm.exe and have the game open right up. i know i can add some command lines so it will open it right up but i cant get it to move directories a still work. is there a way to just recreate a whole new exe for a game without scummvm.exe? thanks in advance.

oh ya...where in the hell does scummvm save the information of the game data?
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Post by jg »

RTFM. I've copied and pasted selected bits of the README.TXT.

Usage: scummvm [OPTIONS]... [GAME]

-p, --path=PATH Path to where the game is installed

* Win32:
Running Monkey Island, fullscreen, from a hard disk:
C:\Games\LucasArts\scummvm.exe -f -pC:\Games\LucasArts\monkey\ monkey
Running Full Throttle from CD, fullscreen and with subtitles enabled:
C:\Games\LucasArts\scummvm.exe -f -n -pD:\resource\ ft

In your case, it would be something like
scummvm.exe -p. monkey

Replace "monkey" with whatever the short name is of the game you want to run, like "sky" or "ft". To see the list of supported games and their short name, type: "scummvm -z"
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Post by joachimeberhard »

Yes, its easy!

For example, your game is in

X:\Games\ScummVM\English\Monkey .

Now, instead of setting the path to


set it to


Now you can move your scummvm-folder anywhere, given the fact that ScummVM itself resides in X:\Games\ScummVM and its started there.

.\ Is the relative path to the current directory, no matter where it truely resides!

You can even do stupid things like

.\English\..\English\.\ wich would be the same as just .\English

.\ -> Relative path to current directory

..\ -> One directory up

These functions are Windows-Command-Line-Functions, they are not ScummVM exclusive.

Best regards!

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