Window size ScummVM GUI & Games

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Window size ScummVM GUI & Games

Post by Subbi »

HI all,

I may have a bit of a silly question. I've used ScummVM a lot over the time, but not recently. Then once I started using it again, I download the latest version (2.5), whereas my previous version must have been 2.2 or below.

In the past I know I always struggled to get games to play at a proper window size. Most of the native 320x200 resolution games were played at the normal 2X setting, which was just about big enough, but very much on the small side for a reasonably sized laptop screen. But for some reason unknown to me, if I'd choose the 3X setting all the games would play at almost full screen size level for which the games were far too 'blocky' in my opinion. Not sure if I fully understood why, but I think the default 2X setting would mainly ' upgrade' low res games to 640X480 resolution window, while keeping the 640x480 games the same. The 3X setting would make 320x200 games in a more pleasant window size relative to my screen (960x600 or thereabouts), but it would make the 640x480 games far too large and exceed even my full screen space.

So for some reason I never managed to put the ' right setting'. Then I downloaded ScummVM 2.5 which on default uses the OpenGL and for some reason both the GUI and the games would naturally use something close to 960x600 window size, which was perfect relative to my screen. But I couldn't find in the settings where this particular default size was being stated.

By accident I started scaling the window of the GUI using the mouse and then something unexpected happened. Whatever I was scaling it too, became the new default for both the GUI and all games I played...also when starting up ScummVM. So now I don't know how to get back to that default window size that ScummVM used on the first time launching ScummVM 2.5.

Is there any way of getting back to that? Or was it pure coincidental it was just the perfect size I was looking for even before?
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Re: Window size ScummVM GUI & Games

Post by rootfather »


this question is not silly at all. We recently added automated GUI/window scaling to increase compatibility with modern screens running at higher resolutions. When ScummVM is launched for the first time with recent versions, the screen size is calculated automatically to get a close-to-perfect 4:3 window since that one is the most common aspect ratio of the original games.

It is also correct that ScummVM remembers the screen size when you scale it manually. However, as long as you have aspect ratio correction enabled, the games should be displayed in the "proper" aspect ratio, but with black borders instead.

Since we don't have a GUI option to reset the window to the optimized, pre-calculated settings, you need to delete the lines

Code: Select all

for your scummvm.ini file.

On Windows XP and higher, you can find the scummvm.ini file in the

Code: Select all


Please note that you have to exit ScummVM first before modifying the .ini file since otherwise ScummVM will overwrite the settings again.

As soon as you modified the file, ScummVM will perform the auto-scaling on the next start.
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Re: Window size ScummVM GUI & Games

Post by criezy »

The Ctrl+Alt and - or + are also useful keyboard shortcuts to scale the window to a multiple of the game resolution (while in game) or a multiple of 320x200 / 320x240 (depending if aspect ratio correction is off or on) while in the launcher.
This can also be mapped to different keyboard shortcuts in the options.
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Re: Window size ScummVM GUI & Games

Post by Subbi »

Yes, removing those two lines from the ini file did it.

Thanks for the tip. Top job on implementing these precalculated settings, works like a charm.
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