Should we have a For Sale subforum?

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Should we have a For Sale subforum?

Poll ended at Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:05 am

Total votes: 37

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Lord Savage
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Should we have a For Sale subforum?

Post by Lord Savage »

This would be a place to post up links to ScummVM supported game auctions on one of the many on-line auctions sites (eBay, Yahoo Auctions, Bidville, etc) on the internet. The games offered in the auctions MUST be legitimate originals. NO illegal copies of games will be tolerated!
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Post by joachimeberhard »

I voted for YES !!!!!!!
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Post by Lord Savage »

Time to bump the poll back up the page.
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Post by Lord Savage »

One more bump before the poll closes
John the adventurer
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Post by John the adventurer »

Yes, of course!

Why not creating it? It could be a great idea!
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Post by joachimeberhard »

Thankfully, there is now a majority for the for sale subforum.

It is sometimes really difficult to buy the games if you don't know where to buy them, especially where to buy them at least on your own continent, which helps saving shipping cost.

I did not hear any arguments why anyone could be against sharing this information, that obviously helps buying original games.
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Post by fingolfin »

Please note that this poll is informal. It wasn't started by the ScummVM team, and whatever the result is, we feel in no way bound by it.

In my eyes this poll is rather devaluated by that fact that no clear end date was given for it, and no "advertising" was made. Hence, one can just wait an arbitrary amount of time and say "It's over now" just when the "right" result is reached... E.g. for weeks it was a "No" or a draw, now it just happens to be very slightly in favor of a "Yes". So what... ? :-)
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Post by Ender »

It is kind of meaningless without a date, true. Waiting until the poll is in your favor before you close it... well, thats kinda silly :P

[Edit: I've de-stickied it because it doesn't really show any major swing one way or the other. If some kind of majority wanted a For Sale forum, we might consider it... one or two votes on such a skewed poll doesn't mean much]
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Lord Savage
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Post by Lord Savage »

When I setup this poll I chose for it to close in 1 months time so, it will end on Friday. I chose a month in length because of the massive distraction that December can be so, I wanted as many people to vote on it (Yes or No) as possible. I will not alter it in anyway, I'm not that type of person.

Thank you for pointing out publishing the end date, I will do that the next time I setup a poll. As far as I was concerned having the poll appear on the first page of the subform or as a sticky (Thank you to the moderator who changed it to a sticky) was sufficient "advertising" for it. I don't like it when people "spam" forums and mailing lists looking for votes in their polls so, that certainly wouldn't be something that I would do.

Based on the original discussion that led to the creation of this poll; I would have to say the amount of yes votes is way too small to even remotely entice Ender to create the subforum. :)

Thank you everyone for voting.
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Post by fingolfin »

Ah, I didn't know you actually set a time limit (if there is a way to check for a given poll whether it has an end date, and what that end date is, I didn't find it :-/).
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Post by dark_inchworm »

Personally, as the assistant webmaster of another website to which I contribute as many ideas as I can, I see a "For Sale" subforum as one of those ideas that sounds good in theory but probably will not receive much support if implemented.
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Post by Adventureguy »

A "For Sale" subforum may be a good idea, but I think that if someone posts, for example, about an auction of a game running on eBay, what do you think everyone reading this will and wanting this very game will do? They all make the price increase higher so it'll cost more bucks than it would have costed by not advertising for this auction. You could pay the double prize when it's posted on the forum :shock: . Anyway, when you just post links to on-line shops selling the games for a fixed price being still available for other costumers to buy, it's a good idea. But posting on-line auctions is imho a BAD idea.
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Post by Raziel »

Adventureguy wrote:A "For Sale" subforum may be a good idea, but I think that if someone posts, for example, about an auction of a game running on eBay, what do you think everyone reading this will and wanting this very game will do? They all make the price increase higher so it'll cost more bucks than it would have costed by not advertising for this auction. You could pay the double prize when it's posted on the forum :shock: . Anyway, when you just post links to on-line shops selling the games for a fixed price being still available for other costumers to buy, it's a good idea. But posting on-line auctions is imho a BAD idea.
Erm, thats the idea behind auctions you know, if you make enough noise about it, there will always be one who'd have enough money to spare to actually pay this ridiculous prices.
I wouldn't ever put anything on eBay myself, if i can't be sure i'd actually WIN something through it
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Post by Adventureguy »

Sure, it's good for the seller, but not if you want to buy the game as cheap as possible. Besides, if you have bad luck, you pay more money than if you had bought the game at an on-line shop.
edit:Ah, now I understand! A "For Sale" subforum where the users of this forum can sell their games! (But who would actually sell these good ol' games if that person hasn't a 2nd original copy of the game or desperately needs money :P )
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Post by fingolfin »

Actually, no, the forum would *not* be a place where one sells those games directly. Because you'd not have any legal protections, i.e. such forums draw fraudsters. So we explicitly don't want this.

Links to auctions, online shops, hints on what are acceptable prices for a given game, etc., would probably be what those forums might contain...
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