Which game versions are the best?

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Post by glokidd »

Please settle down, no one was directly accusing you of piracy, relax. Clem just said that posts like this can give that impression. You definately arnt going to make any friends here if you cant converse civilly with the forum regulars :(

Please dont ruin a good discussion topic with personal attacks
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Post by LogicDeLuxe »

trondah wrote:I see that it might be better with a list describing the differences between the versions. At the very least, it would be an interesting read.
If you can read German: http://tentakelvilla.de/technikfaq.html#3_2_0
There's a list of many versions the games exists. And there is a detailed list of differences between the Monkey 1 VGA floppies and the enhanced CD.
Jonatan wrote:How is that off-topic?
I find it to be highly relevant when considering ScummVM's stand on the piracy-issue.
At least, it's not very plausible, as someone about to pirate them and curious enough would rather leech them all instead of asking.
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Post by Longcat »

LogicDeLuxe wrote:At least, it's not very plausible, as someone about to pirate them and curious enough would rather leech them all instead of asking.
Yes, one would think so, but the thing is, if you hang around these forums for a while you would most probably see that this is not the case. I don't know how many "where can I download this game" and "can you please send me this or that file(s)" I've seen closed down, mostly started by people who tell you to "shut up" when the moderators do so.
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Post by clem »

I'm sorry to have started this (I was in a bad mood when I was writing that post). Apologies.
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Post by laffer »

LogicDeLuxe wrote:Maniac Mansion:
EGA enhanced version with Amiga palette and PCjr sounds. The SID tracks on the C64 are worth playing as well.
Yeah, the SID chip is awesome.
Zak McKracken:
FM Towns
Indy 3:
FM Towns
A tough one. FM-Towns has the complete game while the talkie cd has, well spoken text. You should play both, if you have the chance.
I have both.. they're both good but in my opinion, the FM Towns version has the best of two worlds.. and I don't care that much about the speech to be honest.
Monkey 1:
This is the most difficult decision. While the enhanced CD adds some fitting scores, has extended versions of some tracks and added a lot of sampled sfx to the game, I still prefer the sound of the MT-32, which is the device the music is composed for in the first place.
I've always preferred the Amiga version of this game. Might be because that's the first version I played (and first game I actually bought for my Amiga).
Also the Indiana Jones jingle was replaced and the stump joke was removed in the enhanced CD.
Yeah that sucks.
Monkey 2:
PC version and FM towns have little difference which is not worth the difference in price, unless you are a hardcore collector.
Yup, sadly they are almost identical. But I guess the music system in this game lends itself poorly to CD audio so that might be why they didn't make any.

And I agree with the rest of the stuff you posted.
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Post by trondah »

LogicDeLuxe wrote:If you can read German: http://tentakelvilla.de/technikfaq.html#3_2_0
There's a list of many versions the games exists. And there is a detailed list of differences between the Monkey 1 VGA floppies and the enhanced CD.
Now that's a reason to learn German! Just the type of list I'm looking for :) Would be awesome to have a list like that in the ScummVM wiki, don't you think?
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Post by id1402 »

You are right. There is need of such a list with differences between the game versions. The game Datafiles wiki should be improved. It should explain the difference in graphics and audio between the versions and it should also contain the SCUMM Data File MD5 Checksums from scummvm.org website.
Furthermore the games in game Datafiles wiki should be linked with installation instructions of the game, since some games (The Feeble Files, Broken Sword ...) aren't easy to be prepared for ScummVM. So people would use their original CD to prepare the game for ScummVM instead of using an illegal download to get a ScummVM ready version of the game.

Until improvement of ScummVM wiki you can look in wikipedia to see the difference between game versions. It's explained very well there. Loom for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loom_%28vi ... l_overview
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